Generocity is a Philadelphia publication focused on social good, and I’ve been a columnist since 2017.
You can read all of my work here!
PSA: Good fundraisers don’t always make good managers.
Perhaps you’ve heard of the Peter principle: “In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”
Those holiday how-to articles on where to donate your money? Tread carefully.
When I see articles like Vox’s recent giving guide, “These are the charities where your money will do the most good,” I am outraged.
Why the fundraising profession is custom-built for mentorship.
For a younger professional, mentorship can be a terrifyingly intimidating notion.
The saga of Johnny Bobbitt holds a lesson for nonprofit fundraisers: Tell better stories.
I’ve been following the story of Johnny Bobbitt since it first made news late last year. And I have a lot of thoughts.
You don’t need Lenfest wealth to make a difference.
The recent news that Gerry Lenfest has passed away has me feeling some kind of way — not only because the world lost a wonderful human being, but because Philadelphia lost one of its few remaining major philanthropists.
3 ways fundraisers can stay in touch with donors year-round.
It’s July, the so-called slow season for fundraisers. Your donors are off enjoying their summer vacations, and you’re probably thrilled to have some extra time to do all of those things on your never-ending to-do list.
There will never be a ‘slow time’ for nonprofit pros. Here’s how to deal.
It’s both event season and fiscal year end for a lot of nonprofits, which is another way of saying that most fundraising professionals are feeling extra burned out right now.
Why nonprofits need to switch to person-first language immediately.
Lately, I’ve noticed a whole lot of nonprofit staff who support marginalized populations or people with a health issue or disability using language that both irritates and frustrates me.
3 things your fundraising team wants to tell you but can’t.
Fundraisers are some of the hardest working folks I know. We know how to hustle, and we’ve spent time studying best practices. We know what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to asking people for money.
Here’s how 10 development pros get their nonprofit boards involved in fundraising.
Without fail, when I say to a fellow fundraiser, “What should I write about this month?” the answer is boards and fundraising.