A year after the declarations of ‘Black Lives Matters’, was it all a show?
Last summer, on the heels of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many took to the streets to protest the ongoing police brutality that disproportionately affects Black and brown communities. And then organizations jumped to proclaim Black Lives Matter in a show of solidarity.
From top to bottom, the way we do what we do in fundraising is designed to uphold the status quo. How do you change that?
Hello and welcome to a brand new segment for this column, in which I admit that I do not know everything. That’s right, you heard it first here: just an average, imperfect human over here who is trying to figure out community centric fundraising and how to apply it to my work.
Want to be a fundraiser? Be prepared to wear many hats.
Fundraising is one of those jobs that you don’t actually understand if you haven’t done it. Most folks, when they think of fundraising, assume that the job is asking wealthy people for money.
Hidden figures: Human services organizations’ clients are an inspiration.
The last year has been incredibly challenging all around. No matter what your situation, whether you live alone or with family, are back at work, working from home, juggling virtual schooling, job searching — it’s all challenging.
Let’s agree to leave our assumptions about donors and potential donors behind.
It’s a brand new year, and with new years come new goals. As we move into 2021, I invite my fellow fundraisers to join me in leaving assumptions about donors and potential donors behind — for good.
Dear white fundraisers: Are we only hearing those who look like us?
Like many of my fellow fundraisers, I didn’t set out on this career path. I studied marketing in college, because event planning wasn’t a major, and my goal was to be Lorelai Gilmore. I was going to plan weddings and events for a cute little inn (or, more accurately, for a venue in Philadelphia because I am a city girl through and through).
Recent survey indicates that the majority of fundraisers are unhappy with how the sector does its work.
Way, way back in May 2019 (which feels like a lifetime ago), I wrote about fundraisers having privileged solutions. At the time, it wasn’t a conversation I was having often with my colleagues.
Building diversity into the fundraising profession starts with hiring.
Diversity in fundraising is a popular topic right now. We, as a profession, have recognized that we’ve got some work to do in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement spurred by the death of George Floyd.
Are simplified grant applications here to stay?
Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to moderate a virtual Funders Forum for the local chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). I’ve attended many such panel discussions before, and organized a few myself, but moderating was a whole new thing.